Media Ministry

We are the church on the North side making disciples for Jesus Christ!

About Us

If you are interested in becoming a part of the Media Ministry, we would love to have you join us. No experience necessary!

Join Our Team

The purpose of the St. James Alpharetta Media Ministry is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually-driven, ever changing world using technology and media. The use of media in ministry is the vehicle for effectively communicating and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God chose various methods or ways to be effective for the time in order to communicate to man based on the need of the hearers.

Ministry Goals

  • Create an excellent online presence that will reach “the nations” for Jesus Christ.
  • Provide in-house media technology that will capture anointed moments of the Gospel message in order to share with others through various methods of technology, video and audiovisual devices.
  • Be effective communicators through different media outlets that will have a clear, competent, consistent and trustworthy message that the hearers will have confidence in the Gospel and in the messenger.
  • Broadcast church experience and events to the world by way of various social media platforms and our website.
  • Provide evangelism resources by archiving the messages of Christ on digital platforms.
  • To have a powerful presence on the internet that will communicate with people in today’s time.

Ministry Opportunity

If you are interested in serving in the Media Ministry you will have the opportunity to effectively communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world through various means of technology, media outlets and social media platforms. This ministry provides the technical support required for our worship services, archives teachings, sermon messages and other events which are made available on digital platforms. If you have a heart to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through media technology, the Media Ministry is looking for you. Prior experience is not needed to serve in this ministry. Training will be provided for all volunteers.

Volunteer Positions Available

  • Camera Operators
  • Technical Directors
  • Data Entry Processors
  • Sound Technicians
  • Social Media Content Creators
  • Getting Connected

We are looking for servant workers interested in becoming a part of the Media Ministry. Please click on the link below to get started. If you have any further questions regarding Media Ministry, please feel free to email

Learn More About Our Media Ministry

5 + 2 = ?

Church Vision:

To share Jesus Christ with everyone we encounter.

Tracy Triplett
Media Ministry

St. James Alpharetta small logo

3000 Webb Bridge Road,
Alpharetta, GA 30009

Office: (678) 762-1543

Fax: (678) 762-1716


Office Hours

  • Mondays – Thursdays
  • 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Fridays
  • 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Sunday Services
    8 AM and 11 AM

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